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BUMBLEBEE – live album
Voice, Wurlitzer piano, percussion, live sampling, samples, electronics: Eldbjørg Raknes / Live sound and samples: Tor Breivik / Produced by Eldbjørg Raknes /Recorded (live in concert at Verkstedhallen, Trondheim, Norway) May 8th 2019 by Tor Breivik / Mixed by Tor Breivik / Mastered by Morten Stendahl / Cover photo by Thor Egil Leirtrø / Cover design by Per Finne / Thanks to the audience! Thanks to Jazzfest! Thanks to Verkstedhallen! / Year:2019 / Label: MYrecordings
BUMBLEBEE is a journey through Eldbjørg´s tunes – combined with soundscapes and sampled “outdoor sounds”. At the concert the audience was seated – close – in full circles around Eldbjørg and Tor, in a surround-sound-set up with great light design by Ingrid Skanke Høsøien. This very special moment luckily also turned out to be an album!
- BUMBLEBEE (55:45)
- A Case of you (3:44) (Joni Mitchell)

Espen Løkeland-Stai, Dagsavisen
“Bumblebee” opens with one of the finest songs Raknes has written, beautiful “Did you hitchhike with an eagle?” (…)Raknes is alone. And it sounds really good. The concert is a journey in old and new material, much of it composed for this concert. She keeps it going nonstop, for almost an hour, tying the various parts together with electronic blankets of sound, interspersed with sampled sounds of nature, into a gripping whole. It is minimalistic. Dimmed. Without big tempo changes. Performed with nerve, a tone downed intensity and a formidable voice that creeps under the skin.
Eyal Hareuveni, Salt peanuts
Her simple, minimalist and hypnotic themes solidify the close, intimate setting and are further intensified by Raknes’ highly personal delivery – calm but vulnerable, disillusioned, free-associative and spiced with nature sounds, demanding full attention and compassionate mindfulness and stressing her captivating charisma.
Tore Thorvaldsen Sandbakken, Jazzfest magazine
a completely unique musical universe(…)In a mixture of nature sounds, Wurlitzer and Eldbjørg’s strongly present vocals, the audience was invited into and surrounded by a musical rainforest. Here the ideas could grow wild, but it was also easy to know the traditional and bearing in Eldbjørg’s compositions, namely the strong melody.