So much
depends upon
a red wheel
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Voice: Eldbjørg Raknes / Keyboards, voice: Christian Wallumrød / Guitar bass, voice: Nils-Olav Johansen / Drums, voice: Per Oddvar Johansen / Music: Eldbjørg Raknes / Words: William Carlos Williams, Federico Garcia Lorca, Paul Eluard, Kurt Schwitters / Produced by Eldbjørg Raknes / Recorded and mixed by Reidar Skår June/July 2001, 7.etg. / Mastered by Morten Lund, Masterhuset / Portrait photos: CF Wesenberg / Photo wheel barrow: Doris Q / Cover design: Per Finne / Support: FFLB, FFUK, Trondheim kommune / Special thanks to Vossajazz / Year: 2001 / Label: Platearbeiderne
Commissioned by Vossajazz. Premiered at Vossajazz, 7.4.2001 on Eldbjørg´s daughter Iris´ one-year-birthday.
- Seashell 3:20
- This Is Just to Say 4:55
- The Red Wheelbarrow 3:48
- For a Change 5:18
- In Motion / Lucky Loop 8:42
- Catch As Catch 3:07
- S-Sch 6:13
- In This Strong Light 3:06
- To a Poor Old Woman 3:55
- What a B What a B What a Beauty 4:48

Dagens Næringsliv
Raknes has managed the masterpiece : to spin a musical tissue clustered around the words and keep them up rather than stifle them.
Paal Kvamme, Bergens Tidende
The birthday party of all times! … Inspired , exciting and extremely successful commissioned … Wild, beautiful , airy , exciting and, God damn, also tasteful and elegant.
Knut Markhus, Hordaland
What a gift! ( …) With small letters on the program there stood: ” to Iris on her one-anniversary ” , and the entire sports hall said thank you with loud applause after the concert. Because this was delicious!